If you’re battling to stay ahead in the marketing profession, you’ve probably got a to-do list that stretches over a good few pages. We certainly do. There’s never any downtime, nor any opportunity to simply sit back and bask in the glory of your endeavours. In fact, there’s barely even time to take a full lunch break anymore.
So, what’s the solution to this problem and how can you find more time? More and more marketing professionals are looking at ways of automating processes. Whether it’s the automation of emails or social media, you can’t help but feel that taking an automated approach removes the personalisation and engagement that are so vital to success. Plus, when it comes to preparing content, there’s no shortcut to developing good quality.
Increase resources
The alternative is to increase the resources available to complete tasks. For some, this might be the case of recruiting more staff to fill positions for those tasks judged less strategically vital (meta tags, uploading images, etc.). For others, there may not be the option of employing people full time, with overheads an expense that isn’t always easy to absorb. Instead, companies look to outsource excess work on a contractual basis.
The awkward bit
Now, we know what you’re thinking (“Here comes the sales pitch,”) and, to an extent, you’re spot on. But, outsourcing to the correct provider can prove essential. Think about the sums: employing a copywriter full time for your company costs – on average – £35,000 each year. Each year! And that’s just for one person doing only so much work. Outsourcing to a professional copywriting agency, meanwhile, means you can access a pool of experienced (and we stress experienced) copywriters at a fraction of the cost, and only when you need them.
Doesn’t it make sense to at least consider outsourcing some the content work you have? With professional copywriters working on raising awareness of your brand and engaging with your target audience, you may even see a significant growth in traffic, sales, and profit.