Effective blogging is as crucial for businesses as any other form of marketing activity, playing an integral role in keeping a website updated with fresh content, generating a higher percentage of leads, and aiding in driving traffic to your main site. For some businesses, producing a steady stream or interesting, relevant blog posts is far from simple, with dry subject matters making it a cumbersome task. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
While it’s true that almost anyone can develop a blog post, knowing the type of post that works best to generate readership and boost followers can ensure you focus your efforts on the right tasks. Whatever industry you work in, our blog post ideas can be tailored to suit you and help generate interest in your business that breeds success.
News stories
The great thing about news is that it’s always being made. Regardless of the industry in which you work, news stories within your sector are almost always being published. For example, it may be announcements surrounding product launches, the formation of new companies, endorsements, charity work, local stories, etc. Set up your news aggregation service to return news stories based on suitable keywords and you’ll receive a steady amount of stories on which to focus. Of course, you should take the time to offer you’re own insight into the story (there’s nothing worse than the simple republishing of a press release), and structure the post to link to your own company or service.
Everybody loves a list, right? Studies show that more than a fifth of users spend less than ten seconds on a webpage before heading elsewhere for information. By creating blog posts that are lists, readers will be able to see concise, ordered information in an easily digestible format and, if done well, will be more inclined to share your content.
Questions and answers
One of the fundamental objectives of any content strategy is to resolve the issues of your readers. By providing reliable, authoritative content, you can engender a reputation – and a relationship – among customers that will have them coming back for more. Hosting a question and answer post asking for customer questions, with responses concise and quick shows how much you value users and their issues. In addition, a question and answer post can help you identify any areas of your business that need development, improving the customer experience overall.
Write a post series
A common tactic among bloggers is to create a series of articles around one particular topic, focusing on different elements over a number of posts. This ensures that a solitary subject can be turned into a fertile ground for content and, when done well, will see subscription increase and readership grow as you continue the series.
These simple blog ideas can help you generate content on a regular basis, and develop posts that will be accessible to readers new and old. What’s more, many of these are straightforward and almost effortless to produce. Best of all, the list is just the tip of the iceberg, with many, many more options available.
What is your favourite type of blog post? Let us know in the comments below.