Rishi Sunak and the big maths mistake

The Prime Minister recently declared that students should be obliged to take maths classes until the age of 18. This statement appeared seemingly out of the blue, without consultation with school and college leaders. He set the scene of a world underpinned by data and statistics, and emphasised a need for analytical skills, saying we’d…

9 everyday idioms and their origins

We all use expressions which are part of common parlance, probably learned from family conversations, watching TV and reading. A good idiom provides useful verbal shorthand, expressing a notion that’s readily understood. But when you think about it, many idioms don’t make much sense. At least, it must seem that way to someone who’s never…

Save up to £3,000 per month with Minerva Copywriting

Connect. Create. Convert. Research shows that the average wage of an in-house copywriter is a staggering £35k – an expense of nearly £3,000 per month. While there’s no questioning the value an in-house copywriter provides to a company, it remains a fact that affordable means of supporting marketing activity are always welcomed. Managed Copywriting With…

National Novel Writing Month

National Novel Writing Month National Novel Writing Month – also known as NaNoWriMo – is just around the corner and provides fantastic motivation for anyone hoping to one day publish a novel. The event, which runs throughout the month of November, sees thousands of budding authors sign up online, where they’re able to record progress…