Duplicate content? Invest in new website copy

Is your website suffering from an abundance of duplicate content? Perhaps you’ve been struggling with keeping website copy fresh and decided to take the easy route, lifting text from elsewhere and pasting it onto your webpages. You wouldn’t be alone. Even in an era where digital agencies spring up right, left and centre, and where…

Content marketing in 2013

In this fascinating content marketing infographic from Wishpond, we’re provided with an insight into the state of content marketing in 2013. Covering the potential budget to be assigned to content, as well as statistics on the use and efficacy of content investment, a number of headline figures are indicative of how the digital environment is…

How to write an article

There is no real secret to how to write an article, yet constructing a successful formula is something asked by budding writers, new website owners, small businesses, junior journalists and more on a regular basis. Many factors influence how to write an article, from the subject matter to the audience, the platform on which it’s…

Website copy considerations

Below is an infographic we prepared for a short presentation last year. It’s purpose was to raise a few points of consideration for marketers and clients before investing in content. What we’re essentially saying is relatively straightforward: who, what, where, when and why? While it’s only a very basic checklist of what to be aware…

Traditional marketing and content marketing

How does content marketing compare with traditional forms of marketing and advertising? The infographic below tries to encapsulate the differences in a manner that is easily digested. While it offers only a (very) simple comparison between the two forms, it makes a fantastic entry point for discussion. Whether you’re opening negotiations with a client, or…

Personas for website copy

Fact: creating effective website copy isn’t easy. While certain people believe that stringing together a few words is something we’ve all been doing since childhood, the simple fact is that producing website copy that sells is exceptionally challenging. In fact, creating effective copy demands significant investment in time, consideration and research. There is also a…

Website copy that sells

Investing in quality website copy is essential for the success of your online presence. Worryingly, however, website copy is often overlooked and/or left until the last minute before being written. Perhaps even more worrying is the tendency for this last-minute rush of content writing to be carried out by less than capable copywriters. So what…

Content marketing: why and how

In a new infographic focusing on content marketing, Demand Metric has undertaken research to analyse the current state of content marketing, the reasons why to invest in content marketing, and the process involved in successful deployment. The research, detailed in full below, is not wholly revelatory, but more reaffirms many of the messages that content…

How to launch a website

When looking at how to launch a website, it is surprising how often content is overlooked. Time and again we’ve witnessed companies face a mad dash to populate their stylish new site with compelling, quality content… and failing. Why the failure? Quite simply, like any piece of art, quality copywriting and exceptional content take time…